Experimenting With Freelensing

11:40 PM

Years ago I read of a photography method called freelensing, also known as lens whacking. For those of you who aren't familiar with the technique, freelensing involves detaching the lens from the body of the camera and manipulating its position in front of the lens mount to produce a hazy, macro like focus. Freelensing can create a similar effect to that of expensive tilt shift lenses. Although it's a bit risky to have the camera's inner mechanics exposed, the result is too cool to not give it a whirl! I decided to try it again after years of being too scared. 
I'd only tried it once or twice before, and I was so worried that I would destroy my camera that I swore it off for a long time. I really want to get better at the technique, though, and practice makes perfect! 
I tried out this technique with two dolls, as well as on some random plants and branched. Unfortunately, nothing has bloomed yet. I look forward to practicing my freelensing on flowers! Here are some examples of what I've done so far.

Sorrell's intricately detailed outfit is perfect for freelensing. All of the different fabrics and textures deserve to be viewed in macro. There are so many tiny details and delicate pieces that any part of her dress would look great in freelens focus.

I think Sorrell's eyes look so striking in this photo! Freelensing is very difficult with dolls. I have a hard time deciding where to make the focal point.

The light leaks that freelensing produces are absolutely stunning! I used to edit light leaks in afterwards, but with freelensing they're there from the start which is super satisfying! I'm quite proud of this nice purple glow!

I took this shot of Solstice a few days ago. I like the way her antlers and the straw in the background look when freelensed. 

And finally, a boring shot of some branches. I really enjoyed the colors of this photo so I decided to include it. 😊

Thanks for stopping by! See you soon!

Bonus Photo : Black and white version of the first photo 😀❤

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