Picfic Tips For Beginners

5:01 AM

I was asked a few months ago on my Blink blog for some advice on creating a doll picfic, or picture fiction (a comic created using photos). I was extremely flattered to know that someone came to me for advice! I work very hard on Blink and it’s good to know that people look up to me and my work ♥
Anyway, I decided to make a formal post with my advice on creating a successful picfic. So these are the 5 ways you can create a successful picfic!

  • ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧


When I started Blink, it was more of a joke than anything and I made chapter 1 out of boredom, but when I realized that chapters 2 and 3 were getting some attention I realized that I should take Blink more seriously. Even though chapter 1 was such a stupid idea that I can laugh at looking back now, I had to continue that storyline. If you’re planning on making a picifc that’ll last you have to have continuity.


 Maybe this is just me, but I feel like if you constantly change the way a doll looks your story kind of loses that professional feel (well, as professional as a story made with dolls can be lol). If you must change a character’s appearance (like I had to do with Arlis in chapter 9 - the cat stole her regular wig!!) try to explain why in the story. The same goes for your scenes, too. As I have learned, people will notice things that are missing or out of place! Consistency is key!


 I can’t stress this enough. If you don’t put any effort, time, or passion into your picfic then you can’t expect to get anything out of it. As I said before, the first few chapters of Blink were a joke for me, and it wasn’t until I started taking it seriously that others started taking it seriously, too. You get back what you put in, so try your best! It’s okay if you don’t have an amazing story or if you aren’t the best photographer- these things will improve as you go and it’s the most rewarding thing to look back at your early work and see how much you’ve progressed!


When you put your entire heart into something only to have some internet troll come and tell you that it’s stupid, it can be really discouraging! It’s tough to remember that some people are just rotten for no reason and it’s so easy to get caught up thinking about their negative comments or actions. It is so very very very important to know that there is a difference between constructive criticism and insults and you need to know when to brush someone’s comments off and when to take them seriously. There will be people who tell you your stories are stupid or you’re childish for “playing with dolls” and those are the kinds of people you just need to ignore. If someone throws and insult at you with no explanation behind it, then chances are they’re trying to get you down and really don’t care about you or your work. That being said, there are many people out there with valid points and critiques that apply to your work and it’s important to acknowledge these comments and consider them deeply. This is one of the biggest ways we can all improve- listening to what others think! It may seem obvious, but it’s so easy to forget this because we are all a little bit stubborn when it comes to our ideas (I am so guilty of this!) and people wanting to change them, but sometimes it’s for the better.


Remember that this isn’t a job that you need to do perfectly or a class that you need to pass- this is a hobby! And this hobby, like any, is really only about having fun! People will notice that you’re having fun with what you do and will enjoy it even more. You may even inspire some others to start their own picfics, too! Be proud of your work, don’t be overly critical of yourself, and do your best to encourage others in the hobby! Be kind! Send messages to other people saying that you like their work and when someone comments on your story or photos make sure to respond telling them how much you appreciate their words! It’s these little things that will really make starting a picfic so much better for anyone!

  • ✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

There is really so so so much more I could write about starting a picfic, but to keep this from being the length of a novel I decided to keep it pretty broad. Some of these may seem obvious, but trust me, it’s very easy to overlook things and get too caught up to focus on what matters- having fun and being proud of your work!
And just to put it out there, keep in mind that these are just the basics. Like I said, there are many other things that can factor into how well your picfic turns out but I think these are pretty good starting points for any newbies out there!
Good luck to those starting out!

✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧

Note: This blog post was reposted here via my old Tumblr page.

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