☽ The Pullip Tarot ☾ - Ace of Swords

4:47 PM

Hey guys! I'm happy to be beginning my newest dolly photography project - The Pullip Tarot! I used to read tarot cards quite often when I was a preteen, but I ended up abandoning the hobby when I got to high school. I recently picked up my old deck and reignited my interest in tarot reading. I've been searching for a new project/series idea and my boyfriend suggested I take doll photos to represent the 78 cards of a tarot deck. It's going to be a huge undertaking- I can barely keep up with 52 weekly photos- but I hope I can eventually complete it! This project will also help me to get more acclimated to using props in my photos, as well as telling a story with my dolls (oh yeah, and also taking portrait oriented photos- my nemesis!) I am looking forward to working on this and sharing the journey with you all!
So, for my first Pullip Tarot card I decided to do something simple. I chose the ace of swords, oriented upright (for those of you who don't know, tarot cards can bear different meanings whether they are drawn upright or reversed). The Ace of Swords is often linked with justice, fortitude, and seeking out the truth. This is why I chose my Pullip Veritas to represent this card (veritas in Latin means truth, and the Roman goddess of truth was named Veritas). Besides being a symbol of truth, my Veritas is portrayed as a valiant explorer, on her way to conquer the new world. For this reason, I feel she is perfect to be the face of the card connected with overpowering obstacles and pressing on. 

I hope you enjoyed the first photo in my Pullip Tarot series! I am so excited to work on this! If you'd like to learn more about the Ace of Swords, or other tarot cards, here is a resource I often look to when interpreting my own tarot readings. It's quick and easy to understand- especially for newbies! 
Thanks for stopping by! 

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  1. Great photo and great photo-series concept :) I can't wait to see rest of your tarot cards :)

    1. Thank you so much! ♥ I'm excited to move forward with this series!

  2. I'm going to LOVE this new series you started : Tarot is such an interesting and fascinating hobby ! Anyway as you clearly said this role suits perfectly to your Veritas ♥

    1. It's going to be a challenge to complete, but I hope I can learn a lot from this series! Thanks for your comment!
