A Tour Of My Doll Cabinet
3:09 PM
I don't know about you, but even as the generally clean and organized person I am, my doll cabinet always seems to get messy very quickly. I have an awful habit of taking photos with a doll or taking out clothing or accessories, and instead of setting things back nicely where they belong I just sort of pile everything up in my doll cabinet.
Anyway, I recently cleaned my doll cabinet from top to bottom and felt like sharing the result since it doesn't last long, heheh. I also reorganized my shelving layout so all my "big" dolls fit on one level and I can have a cute little Re-Ment diorama set up on the second level! It's super cute and I had a lot of fun setting it up. I can't wait to take some photos with my Re-Ment collection and Pure Neemos
So here is a video of the final result ♥