Mysterious Red ♥ Pullip Yuri

11:47 AM

One of my girls that I've never been able to bond with is my Yuri, Mica. She's sort of had an identity crisis from the day she joined my crew. She went from being cute, to a twin of another character, to a tomboy... I just can't make up my mind about her.

So, I decided to try out this beautiful cherry red wig from Luts. I think she looks pretty cute with it, but I'm still a bit unsure. 
I also wanted to dress her up in her stock outfit again. She hasn't worn it since she came home to me, which is such a shame. I think both her stock outfit and accessories are very well-made, but I'm not a fan of the thick striped pattern. I would love to have a traditional looking doll in my group, but I'm not sure this outfit is what I'm looking for.

To compliment her outfit, I decided to try my hand at painting a tiny paper crane on her eyelid. It was very difficult as I don't have the proper brushes to paint something so small, heheh. I think it turned out pretty well despite that. 😊

I hope you enjoyed these photos of my girl Mica. I'm going to try and get readjusted to her. Who know, maybe she'll end up being one of my favorites! Thanks for stopping by! Have a great weekend! 

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  1. She looks great in her new wig :) This paper crane on her eyelid is adorable, I hope you will find her final look soon, she is gorgeous doll :)

    1. Thanks! <3 This post is so old- I figured I should mention an update. I've since "reshelled" this girl. I took her eyes, wig, and outfit and put them on a doll I felt suited the look better: my Pullip Amarri. ^^

  2. Ooow I love her wig to, she seems to be a flower-girl <3 So shy and sweet !

    1. Ah I apologize for taking months and months to reply! But thank you for your comment! <3
