Recap: ADAW 16-20

5:07 PM

Hello again! Things are still going smoothly with this year's ADAW! I hope I don't jinx myself by saying this, haha. I'm becoming more and more stressed about the upcoming school semester as the weeks go on so I hope that doesn't interfere with me keeping up with ADAW. Here's my recap of weeks 16 through 20!

Week 16

" Looking For Light "
I loved taking this photo so much! I still love every photo from the shoot this day. As I've mentioned before, I am a fan of dark photos and I try to create this effect often but with no avail. For this shoot, I sort of gave up trying to achieve this look and focused on getting some decent shots. All the photos just happened to come out almost exactly as I had envisioned and I spent very little time editing them because of this. It was so satisfying!

Week 17

" Ginger "
This week, unlike the last, I struggled. I first had trouble finding a spot with surroundings that complimented by Froggy's looks. Secondly, the weather was working against me. And finally, I was getting frustrated with myself because I was having so much trouble with this shoot. Overall, I don't mind the end result, but I do wish I had spent more time to get a result I was happier with.

Week 18

" Dull "
For week 18 I decided to take photos of my Nero, named Tsura. She has one of the most unique stories of all my dolls' characters, but I have trouble capturing this in photographs. I don't dislike the photos I take of her, I just wish I did a better job of showing her character and backstory in these photos.

Week 19

" Forest Fauna "
I was so happy with the photos from week 19's shoot! I took them while I was outside attempting to film a "come take photos with me" vlog-type video for my YouTube channel. Although the video clips didn't turn out very well, the stills I took did. I've said this before, but my fawn girl Solstice is the most photogenic out of my collection. Photographing her comes so easily to me.

Week 20

" Sunny Afternoon "
For week 20, I decided to photograph one of my Azone girls. It was a beautiful sunny day and Mio's sweet expression made me want to take her out for a little bike ride 😉. There isn't much to say about week 20. As much as I love Pure Neemo dolls, I think for me they are more "shelf dolls" than anything. They're fun to photograph, but aren't really my forte. Yet they're so cute I can't resist adding them to my collection. 

Well, that was the recap for weeks 16 through 20. For everyone who is working on their own ADAW projects, I hope it's all going well for you! Good luck on the upcoming weeks! Have a great weekend! 

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