Hello again! Things are still going smoothly with this year's ADAW! I hope I don't jinx myself by saying this, haha. I'm becoming more and more stressed about the upcoming school semester as the weeks go on so I hope that doesn't interfere with me keeping up with ADAW. Here's my recap of weeks 16 through 20!
Week 16
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" Looking For Light " |
I loved taking this photo so much! I still love every photo from the shoot this day. As I've mentioned before, I am a fan of dark photos and I try to create this effect often but with no avail. For this shoot, I sort of gave up trying to achieve this look and focused on getting some decent shots. All the photos just happened to come out almost exactly as I had envisioned and I spent very little time editing them because of this. It was so satisfying!
Week 17
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" Ginger " |
This week, unlike the last, I struggled. I first had trouble finding a spot with surroundings that complimented by Froggy's looks. Secondly, the weather was working against me. And finally, I was getting frustrated with myself because I was having so much trouble with this shoot. Overall, I don't mind the end result, but I do wish I had spent more time to get a result I was happier with.
Week 18
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" Dull " |
For week 18 I decided to take photos of my Nero, named Tsura. She has one of the most unique stories of all my dolls' characters, but I have trouble capturing this in photographs. I don't dislike the photos I take of her, I just wish I did a better job of showing her character and backstory in these photos.
Week 19
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" Forest Fauna " |
I was so happy with the photos from week 19's shoot! I took them while I was outside attempting to film a "come take photos with me" vlog-type video for my YouTube channel. Although the video clips didn't turn out very well, the stills I took did. I've said this before, but my fawn girl Solstice is the most photogenic out of my collection. Photographing her comes so easily to me.
Week 20
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" Sunny Afternoon " |
For week 20, I decided to photograph one of my Azone girls. It was a beautiful sunny day and Mio's sweet expression made me want to take her out for a little bike ride 😉. There isn't much to say about week 20. As much as I love Pure Neemo dolls, I think for me they are more "shelf dolls" than anything. They're fun to photograph, but aren't really my forte. Yet they're so cute I can't resist adding them to my collection.
Well, that was the recap for weeks 16 through 20. For everyone who is working on their own ADAW projects, I hope it's all going well for you! Good luck on the upcoming weeks! Have a great weekend!
Hello there! How is the weather where you are at? Here it's been so hot and humid! We've already had several days reaching 90 degrees! I prefer the cold weather- less sweat and less bugs. But, the sunshine is very nice. Even though it may be uncomfortable at times it's nice to feel the warmth of the sun after a long winter. My sweet Mio agrees! We ventured out to take some quick photos and she brought along her little bicycle!
I don't take photos of my Azone girls enough. They're so expressive and adorable! It's funny how after years of working with dolls as disproportional as Pullips that finally photographing something more realistically proportioned like a Pure Neemo can seem no unnatural to me, haha. I feel the same way when photographing BJDs. I've learned to work well with gigantic heads and don't know what to do when a doll isn't so top heavy!
Finding clothing to fit my Azone girls has been a bit of a struggle as well. I want to buy some specially made clothing off Etsy that will fit them perfectly. Until then, they're stuck in their stock outfits or are pinned into Pullip clothes that are too big.
It's finally week 20 of ADAW! Is anyone else still going strong without missing a week? I really hope I can keep this up. I have a lot to do for the next semester of school and I'm also looking forward to some fun things in August. Having something definite to look forward to is nice, but I'm impatient so the coming months will be difficult. I hope you all are doing well in all your projects and are having a great summer! See you soon!
Hello again! I managed to stay on top of ADAW this week. I got outside to take some photos on Wednesday- unheard of! I decided to take photos of Solstice this week. It seems like I photograph her so much. She's definitely what I would call my "signature doll". 😊 As I've said before, taking her photo comes so easily to me. Even when I'm struggling it seems I can't take a bad photo of her. She's so photogenic!
For this shoot, I was also planning on taking a few short video clips to compile into a vlog of sorts for my YouTube channel. I thought doing a "Come Take Photos With Me" would be an interesting video! I started taking some short clips, but unfortunately they weren't turning out like I had hoped so I decided to stop and save that project for another day (as happens with most of my projects- to the back burner they go!).
Besides my new vlog idea, I'd like to get going on a lot of the dolly projects I have. Some of them are already started, like my Pullip Tarot series and some videos I'm currently editing, but some are still yet to begin. I want to finish what I've started and then get the ball rolling on these ideas I've had in my head for months. Staying motivated, especially when working on tedious projects like editing videos, is difficult. I need to keep reminding myself that the end result will make the work worth it!
As you can see, these are the first photos of Solstice since I got her that she is wearing something other than her white dress! The dress is from her original stock outfit. It suited her so well I didn't want to change it. Her character originally had white hair and yellow eyes which I think went well with the white dress. Once I changed her wig to this turquoise one, her style had already been established and changing her outfit felt odd. I was sorting through some doll clothes the other day when I found this piece- the dress to Pullip Marianne's stock. The colors look incredible with her hair- the turquoise is a dead match! I feel like this outfit suits her just as well as the white gown. What do you think?
I hope you all are doing well! I feel like I have a few ghost readers out there. I'd love to interact with you more! If you have a dolly blog or other dolly social media accounts please let me know in the comments! Have a great week everyone!
Ah, for the second week in a row I have practically missed my self-set ADAW deadline of Saturday night. Not having regular classes and assignments to keep up with sort of makes me lose track of time and forget some things I have to get done (ADAW being one of them).
Things have been rather dull here lately. I think these few photos reflect that. I'm trying hard to stay motivated, but I just want to cuddle up with a blanket and play The Sims all day. I'm counting down the days to July- when I will hopefully be able to see my boyfriend again. I know I shouldn't wish for time to pass quickly. One day I will wish I had more of it. But I'm waiting on good times now and I can't help but hope for their speedy arrival. I've talked about it before (in this post), but my boyfriend is really my motivator when I get into moods like this. When I feel like life is underwhelming and dull and all I want to do is veg out and play mindless games all day, I remember how hard he works to show me his love. How even when he has days where he feels down and unmotivated he still manages to go above and beyond for me.
This post wasn't meant to be a vent session for me, so I'll stop it there, haha. Anyway, I'm working on regaining my motivation and creativity. I hope you all are feeling well as the weather begins to warm for the summer. And to anyone who is also working on ADAW 2017, good luck with the coming weeks!